Whether it’s just an oversight on Blizzard’s part, or a deliberate hint of things to come, I was shocked to see that some of this weekend’s Alliance emissaries for Strand of the Ancients are in fact High Elves!
It’s a known fact that High Elves were once staunch supporters of the Alliance. When their magical kingdom of Quel’Thalas was threatened by Amani trolls, the High Elves taught local humans how to use magic, forming a long-standing bond between the two races. When the humans of the Kirin’Tor founded Dalaran, they welcomed High Elves into their number, and many elves can still be seen in Dalaran today. When the Sunwell was destroyed, and the displaced citizens of Quel’Thalas formed a new order of Blood Elves and pledged themselves to the Horde, there were some High Elves who did not join their order, and who may have remained either neutral to the fight, or loyal to their old allies.
Despite all the lore, High Elves have never been more than background figures in WoW. They’re not a playable race (yet), and they show up only rarely in Azeroth, in a few camps in the Plaguelands. In Outland, High Elves help guard the Alliance post of Allerian Stronghold. So what does it mean that on a battleground weekend, High Elves show up as emissaries, when never before have non-playable races taken on this job? Does it hint at a new faction or race to come?
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