As far as holidays go, the Lunar Festival is pretty low-key. Most of the celebrating occurs in Moonglade itself, so the Cenarion Circle druids have set up teleport circles in all capital cities (that's old-world capitals, not Silvermoon or Exodar) to bring characters of any level to Moonglade. To get your teleport, start by speaking with a Lunar Festival Herald at your city of choice. The Heralds will direct you to the Lunar Festival Harbingers, who'll give you a Moonglade teleport scroll... after you honor the goddess Elune by shooting off a few fireworks of your own, that is!
Once you've reached Moonglade, be sure to pick up the flight point if you haven't already, and get the practically-free achievement for exploring Moonglade! Then, as directed by the Harbingers, visit Valadar Starsong to get a quick preview of the delights the holiday has in store.
The currency of choice for all items sold during this holiday are the Coins of Ancestry given by the spirits of Azerothian Elders, who are scattered throughout the game world. The more coins you collect, the more items you can buy:
- Festive Lunar Dresses and Festive Lunar Pant Suits - made of bright, cheery silk, these outfits would look lovely on just about anyone. Each dress or suit costs 5 coins.
- Festival Dumplings - These are stackable up to 20 and restore 4% of your health and 3% of your mana per second when eaten. A single coin will buy you 8 dumplings. Best of all - the dumplings don't expire, so you can enjoy them all year long.
- Elune's Candle - These powerful artifacts are used by those brave enough to face off against the Lunar Festival's biggest baddie and raid boss - Omen.
And when you're not traipsing all over the globe trying to find those elusive Elders, grab some friends and down the holiday raid boss, Omen. This big baddie can be summoned by firing off cluster rockets from launchers located around Lake Elune'ara. The commotion from the rockets will attract Minions of Omen, and slaying these minions will cause Omen himself to appear. Players can use their Elune's Candles to damage Omen and his minions. And, like all raid bosses, bring your friends to help save the day.
Remember - any character of any level can participate in the Festival Fun! The Lunar Festival runs between January 24th and February 12th.
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