Are you going to Darkmoon Faire,
Peacebloom, Earthroot and Dreamfoil
Remember me to a troll I knew there
She was once a true love of mine...
Another Darkmoon Faire has arrived (in Mulgore this month) with lots to do - items to buy, cannons to fire, frogs to catch, and food and drink to sample.
The problem is, it's all old stuff. The same gems, leather and herbs which used to make a substantial profit on the AH have been devalued with the launch of Wrath, and nothing has been put in their place. Sure, for a leveling Scribe, the herbs you can get at a few silver apiece can help, but for someone who wants to collect some new Northrend-level gems, or some eternals, we're out of luck.
The Darkmoon items themselves are also in sore need of revamping. The Darkmoon Amulets purchased by Faire tickets are level 60 epic items.
We've had hints of new Darkmoon content, however: with Inscription, players can make their very own Darkmoon decks, available to characters levels 10-80. Like the original Darkmoon cards (Deck of Lunacy, Deck of Elementals, etc.), it takes a certain number of individual cards to make a full deck. However, once a deck has been completed, the Scribe can either use it herself or give it to a friend, and use the deck to summon a Darkmoon Faire carnie who will hand over necklaces, robes, shoulder pieces, or other bits and pieces of equipment. For the most part, these items are well worth the effort for leveling characters.
You make the call: is Darkmoon Faire outdated now that Wrath has launched?
[Edit as of January 7th]: Well, I guess we answered that question. Blue poster Wryxian notes on the new patch notes for 3.0.8, which should be hitting live servers soon, that: "The Darkmoon Faire vendors have new items now that trade routes into Northrend have been better established." Hooray! Now I can get some Crystallized Shadow.
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