Tuesday, February 17, 2009

But... I Just Wanted to Be Loved!

Another world holiday has come and gone, leaving many of us exhausted with trying to shower every available guard and merchant in our faction capitals with affection, relieved that there is now really no excuse to keep hearthing back to Orgrimmar or Stormwind every hour to try and get that elusive pet or picnic set, or just plain sick of all the hearts and ready to get back to basics.

Love Is In the Air ended on the 16th, after a whirlwind storm of confetti, roses, and candy. But for those out there who are still leveling their characters, but who also have their eyes on that Violet Proto-Drake, the holiday may have ended a little too soon.

The achievement I Pitied the Fool requires you to be level 80, namely so you can get into Naxxramas to /pity a Love Fool. And if you're like me and still struggling to get a character to level 80, or reached 80 after the bell tolled and all the bewinged goblins went away, you may be thinking that there's no hope of being The Love Fool this year.

But fear not! If you are still on the cusp of capping level, there is still time to get your holiday title. Because Love Fools (and handfuls of rose petals and love rockets) all have a ten-day duration. And, unlike most other holidays, you can complete these achievements after the holiday has concluded.

So save those Love Fools and press on to 80. There's still time to be a fool for love.

1 comment:

Rosalyne said...

And you got the achievement just in time! Grats on getting your DK to lvl 80! :)