Another Darkmoon Faire has come to town this week - in Terokkar Forest this time, featuring a host of new goods ready to be purchased by interested connoisseurs. As promised, the Faire vendors have updated their stock, and are now selling goods and items collected from the wilds of Northrend. Here's a quick look at what you might find in store should you pay the Faire a visit:
Runic Mana and Healing Potions are now available for purchase at the base price of 2 gold each from Professor Paleo.
Northrend herbs, including Goldclover, Adder's Tongue, Frost Lotus and more can be found among our favorite Orcish trader Lhara's wares. Prices vary according to rarity, but are much cheaper than your local Auction House.
Autumn's Glow - that rare yellow gem sought by many a jewelcrafter is also in stock at Lhara's shop. However, you can't purchase these with gold, but instead must be willing to hand over 10 Emblems of Heroism should you want to add one of these to your collection, which unfortunately means that lower-level characters and non-dungeoneers may be out of luck.
Level 75+ Food and Drink can be purchased from their respective vendors, Stamp Thunderhorn and Sylannia, respectively.
Motes of earth, fire, water, shadow and more can still be purchased for a handful of silver apiece, however adventurers should take note that it is Lhara who sells them now, and not Professor Paleo.
Darkmoon Faire runs from February 2nd to the 9th. Have fun!
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