Forget Glyphs, what today's adventurers really need as they brave the cold environs of Northrend is a nice warm scarf. Today, a look at plausible professions we haven't seen in-game.
Knitting. From frost-resistant scarves to reinforced hats and fuzzy, woolen socks, adventurers have all sorts of options for staying warm and dry as they explore Northrend. Unlike tailoring, knitting would fill the custom character equipment slots of hat, scarf, mittens, and socks.
Tattooing. Like Enchantment, but for your character's skin, tattooing would open up a new level of character customization. Not only could you choose your own distinctive tattoo, but each tat could impact spells and abilities, add to base stats, or give your character extra resistances to magic.
Brewing. Everyone loves making unusual and distinctive dishes via the Cooking profession (not to mention meals which add to base stats, resistances, or health and mana regeneration), but there are very few beverage options available to today's cooks. What about a profession which allowed you to brew your own ale, ferment your own wine, or blend your own tea? Despite the obvious amusement of making your character tipsy by your very own alcoholic beverages, each drink could bring its own benefits, like restoring mana, giving a short-term magic buff, or increasing the drinker's base stats.
Is there a profession you wish Blizzard would add to the game? Tell us about it in the comments below.
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