Thursday, November 6, 2008

Mage Macros, Part Two

This edition of Mage Macros takes a look at PvP, and some simple ways to streamline your combat.

This macro will stop casting your current spell and immediately cast Counterspell.

/cast Counterspell

Sure, PoM/Pyro was what made the Arcane tree famous, but in PvP having an instant-cast sheep can not only save your own life, it can confuse your opponents, too. This macro will turn your Polymorph spell into an instant-cast once every three minutes.

/cast Presence of Mind
/cast Polymorph

Double Shield
As I am currently spec'd in Frost, I usually use Ice Barrier instead of Mana Shield. However, if I'm carrying a flag in WSG or EotS, or being attacked by fury warriors, rogues, and retadins, I sometimes find myself wanting both shields up. This macro will, on a left click or number key, cast Ice Barrier. On a right-button click, it will cast Mana Shield.

/cast [button:1] Ice Barrier
/cast [button:2] Mana Shield

If you aren't cross-spec'd fire/arcane but still want to have an "I Win" button, try combining Combustion with Scorch, or indeed any fire spell of your choice.

/cast Combustion
/cast Scorch

If you have trinkets which help boost your spell power, add them in like so:

/cast Combustion
/use Oshu'gun Relic
/cast Scorch

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