Trick or Treat!
Every hour, players can talk to the innkeepers around the world of Azeroth to receive a trick or a treat. Treats consist of goody bags which may hold any number of items in them, including masks, candy, and even toothpicks. Hold on to these items - most are needed to fulfill the Hallow's End achievements, mentioned below. Tricks, on the other hand, will change your character into a different being, including bats, black cats, pirates, or other more slimy creatures. Once you've Trick or Treated, you will be unable to do so again for an hour.
Fires in Town!
Speak to the Masked Orphan Matrons in any of the starting-area towns for your faction (Brill, Razor Hill, etc.). Apparently, the Headless Horseman is on the loose again, wreaking havoc and setting fire to buildings. The matrons need players to help them out, so grab a bucket of water and make a bucket chain. Once you've quenched the fires, the Shade of the Headless Horseman will land in town. As he's a level 11 monster, he is very easily dispatched, and in his wake leaves a large pumpkin which all nearby players can loot. In return for your valiant efforts, the grateful orphans will reward you with a thank-you package, often containing wands which transform your character, pumpkins to throw at other players, or even broomsticks which make your character look appropriately witchy:
Hallow's End Achievements
There are a number of fun achievements you can complete this season. Some of the easiest include:
Trick or Treat! - pick up a handful of candy from the barrel located in any inn. Not only is this easy, it gives you free experience for every barrel you loot! Great for casual levelers.
The Mask Task - keep trick-or-treating and eventually you'll get one flimsy mask
That Sparkling Smile - use a toothpick, also obtained from innkeepers
Harder-to-obtain achievements include killing the Headless Horseman in Scarlet Monastery Graveyards, and traveling all over Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms and Outland to complete the Tricks and Treats of Azeroth achievement.
Edit as of 10/24: Looking to get the Sinister Calling achievement, but have a character who's too low to fight the Headless Horseman? No problem! Just make sure you complete the Stop the Fires! daily quest, and go trick-or-treating at an inn each hour. Both the Hallowed Helm and the Sinister Squashling have a chance to drop from these quests.
Hallow's End runs between October 18th and November 1st. A happy, spooky holiday to all!
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