For Anyone at All
Level 70 (Soon to be Level 80) Elite Tauren Chieftain Concerts!
Anyone, Horde or Alliance, who can find a way to get to Shattrath City in Outland can enjoy a free viewing of Azeroth's greatest rock band, Level 70 Elite Tauren Chieftain as they perform their hit single "Power of the Horde" at the World's End Tavern in Lower City. Performances start at the top of the hour, every three hours, 8 shows per day.

On the off-hours between L70ETC shows, a human comedian named Perry Gatner performs some stand-up comedy one-liners and voice impressions.
Can't make it to Shattrath? Visit Silvermoon and see the band in person. L70ETC members can be seen atop a balcony in the Walk of Elders. Wave to them, and they'll wave back!
Can't make a live show? Visit the World of Warcraft movies page for a downloadable version of the song "I am Murloc."
The Darkmoon Faire!
Known as the Greatest Show on Azeroth, the Darkmoon Faire is a traveling show that rotates its visits among Elwynn Forest, Mulgore, and Terokkar Forest. The Faire arrives on the first or second Monday of every month - this month it will be visiting Elywnn Forest, just south of Goldshire, from September 8th-14th. Not all aspects of the Darkmoon Faire are free, though most of them are very cheap.
Free Tickets: A couple days before the Faire begins, you'll be able to see carnies putting up tents on the fairground. Inside the capital cities of the host faction Faire Barkers will be handing out vouchers for 5 free tickets to redeem at the Faire. Once the Faire begins, find Gelvas Grimegate and hand him your voucher. Gelvas also has a number of items which can be obtained for free, provided you have the appropriate number of tickets.
Cheap Drinks: You can sample some inexpensive but very potent malted beverages from the food & drink stand.
Free Fortunetelling: Have your fortune told by Sayge the gnoll. Each fortune is different, and some trigger treasure-hunting quests in nearby dungeons. Also, each time you speak to Sayge and get a fortune, he'll give you a different buff, which lasts for 2 hours or until your character dies.
The Cannon: In the capital city of each region the Faire visits a cannon is set up, which will catapult players high into the air. If you're careful, you can aim for a bullseye set somewhere on the ground. Right click on your "wings" buff to finish your descent, and hopefully you'll land safely!
Rare Item Trading: For those who have a bit of spare change, trader Lhara and Professor Thaddeus Paleo offer some wonderful items for sale. Lhara trades in rare herbs and leather, while the Professor sells scrolls, potions, motes of the various Outland primals, and the occasional uncut blue gem. The prices on all these items are far cheaper than can be found in any Auction House, so this is a great place to park an alt with some gold and check back on throughout the week.
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